
Marvel Comics Introducing a Muslim Girl Superhero

SidewaysQuark11/06/2013 8:53:43 am PST

re: #47 jamesfirecat

A kid grows up in a family that passionately speaks all the time about how people who believe in god are idiots and that only reasonable people who deny his/he/its existence are fit to be trusted with anything important leading to their daughter getting so pissed at them she decides to convert to Islam….

Yeah as an agnostic I would find that offensive since in my mind the more logical action isn’t “change your belief system because people who share it with you are idiots/jerks” it’s “be the best most enjoyable representation possible of whatever it is you believe is true.”

I wouldn’t find it offensive at all. Just a story of rebellion and irony in a fictional universe, and someone sticking to someone who deserves a philosophical smackdown. It would even be a good lesson.

I’m glad someone’s finally agreeing that this girl’s family is being depicted as fundie lunatics, though.

It’s offensive because it’s using characters to represent the worst facets of by group of people who exist, and then by having the hero decide to give up on that group entirely rather than being an internal reformist suggest that the worst facets in effect represent the entire group up rather than just an extremist faction of it.

Good entertainment is frequently offensive to many people. See “South Park”. In fact, once people become too afraid to offend anybody, good entertainment goes down the toilet. People really need to stop the sanctimonious PC BS around here.