
Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "George Takei Said 'Blackface!'" (Or, Liberals Are the Real Racists, Part 91332)

Sir John Barron7/02/2015 11:51:54 am PDT

re: #13 Ace-o-aces

Here’s another wingnut outrage. Apparently some gay activists on a White House tour took pictures of themselves giving St. Ronnie’s portrait the finger! I mean, how dare liberals complain about a flag that symbolized centuries of racist oppression, when they are going around giving the finger to a picture of a man who opposed much of what they stand for! I mean, it’s not like conservatives have ever done something disrespectful to a picture of Obama.

In fairness, Reagan did appoint Kennedy to SCOTUS.

But yeah, wingnuts, I feel all your feels about respect for the presidency.
