
Sunday Night Fusion: The Funky Knuckles, "Me Too"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/11/2016 11:03:40 pm PST

Just about everything Trump says in this one little snippet is a lie. I know you are all surprised.

The One China policy has been in place for 40 years, following the normalization of relations with the PRC by Nixon and Kissinger. It was not undertaken lightly, and I am quite sure Trump knows shit about about the whys and wherefores behind it.

As for making a “deal” to maintain the policy, WTF? This kind of statement boggles the imagination. You don’t suggest to a major adversary, one with a yoooge army and nuclear weapons, that you intend to turn diplomatic relations into some kind of confidence game. This is coming from the same guy who was saying we should “surprise” ISIS and not advertise our troop movements in the area.