
Samantha Bee Backs the Bus Over Donald Trump's Asinine Unconstitutional Order on Sanctuary Cities

Romantic Heretic2/09/2017 2:08:21 pm PST

re: #1 Anymouse

I look at the GOP as barbarians. I use H. Beam Piper’s definition for the term; Those who don’t understand civilization and wouldn’t like it if they did.

The whole of the GOP these days do not understand their country and would not like it if they did. The ideals of equality before the law, freedom of speech and assembly, economic opportunity for all, is simply anathema to them. They, as all barbarians do, intend to burn the country to the ground after looting everything they can carry away.

The Goths, Franks and Lombards infiltrated the Roman Empire then destroyed it. America’s barbarians arrived with the first Europeans.