
Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Dismiss Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/27/2021 10:01:27 pm PST

re: #48 danarchy

Hmmm, going broke to own the wall street elites. That feels a lot like buying a pair of nike sneakers just so you can burn them to protest nike.

Just hope there is someone smart at Gamestop who can take advantage of the sudden surge of capitalization to maybe invest in some sort of useful online presence, because they are a dying company otherwise.

That depends.

The whole “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour” line could apply here as well. An awful lot of people have been backed into financial corners over the mechanisations of conservatives and Wall Street working together, especially with the 2017 Tax Scam.

Plus the overwhelming majority of people involved in this aren’t spending life savings on this; they’re only tossing a few bucks in. As is noted repeatedly by people in the Reddit thread, no one should be involved in this with money they can’t afford to lose.

The solution to all this would be to ban short selling if hedge funds were really serious beneath all their whinging and sending PR people out across all TV networks and social media to discourage what’s happening.

If they opposed short selling, they would be opposing their own business model.

Hence calls to ban speech (on Websites they don’t control) about buying or selling stocks, and even suggestions of shutting down the stock market temporarily (which would piss off Redditors even more).

The hedge fund folks are pissed that the wrong people are making money on the stock market and they are being hoisted by their own petard.