
Seth Meyers: Trump Held in Contempt, Endorses Nonexistent Person Named "JD Mandel"

No Malarkey!5/02/2022 8:34:48 pm PDT

re: #47 Citizen K

I’m pretty sure we tried this not too long ago, and, big shock, we literally didn’t have the votes to eliminate it. And considering how Manchin and Sinema keep sending touchy-feely feelers about possibly jumping ship as a response to the pressure they’ve been feeling, we may not ever have those votes without increasing margins in the Senate, something that’s already a dicey prospect because the first instinct of nearly 2/3rds of the country whenever something happens seems to be “Blame Dems, because the GOP has no agency”.

It’s extremely telling that the first instinct of so many has been to attack the Dems for not doing ‘something’, and RBG for not retiring, as if that sole decision is responsible for everything. Once again, to be a Dem in this country is to be held to blame for everything. Which is exactly why I’m hesitant to imagine a realignment happening in response to this, because way too many people want to be ‘Dems let this happen, all their fault, all their fault!!’

That is why the Democrats have to message well to make it clear its the Republicans fault. It will help that the Republicans will be running on making abortion illegal nationwide.