
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The A-Hole Tax

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS10/18/2022 3:59:08 pm PDT

re: #32 Backwoods_Sleuth

Also, I assume you implied Madison was the sole author of the Constitution.

He was not.

While Madison was mostly responsible for the Bill of Rights, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton were also significant authors of the Constitution, and John Adams was a serious calming and rational influence on everyone when things went nutzo (and it often did).

And there was also Ben Franklin’s calming methods.

So, again, completely false equivalency because King James just wanted one thing with his version of the Bible and it was his way or the highway.

Nothing like the Constitution process at all.

Anyone who finds an equivalence between writing of the Bible and the Constitution, I really do have to send a SERIOUS side eye.

That settles it. You didn’t read my post.