
WND Promotes Nirtherism in Iraq

JenBee2/24/2009 11:28:35 am PST

Frankly, I still don’t understand why Charles and others continue to blow this off.

Folks, we have a sitting president who absolutely REFUSES to release his original birth certificate, his medical records, and his college records, and has gone through alot of trouble to make sure those records never see the light of day. How can one not find that suspicious as all hell? As everyone keeps saying, if he’s got nothing to hide, then there is no reason to be forthright with these documents and produce them. I do not know history and have not researched it, but I would bet that the other 44 presidents didn’t go to court multiple times and hire a gaggle of law firms to keep these documents secret out of sight of the American populace.

As an American citizen, I believe I have the right to insist that SOMEONE (who isn’t in his pocket and has nothing to gain by vetting him) verify that Mr Obama is indeed eligible for the presidency of the United States. And this soldier has my utmost respect for standing up and risking serious reprocussions because he believes in this so strongly.