
Overnight Open Thread

Gus8/14/2009 12:00:43 am PDT

re: #45 LudwigVanQuixote

Ahhh, that’s where we are forced to talk to creationist morons. That’s different. That is a duel between faith and reason. Actual scientist work these things out.

For instance, the myth of the lone scientist suddenly overturning everything that his or her lesser gifted colleagues believed is not quite the way it happens. When QM first came out, there was much debate. But the evidence kept accumulating.

The lone scientist who held out skeptic the longest and in the most frustratingly clever fashions was Einstein. This had two effects.

1. It made QM stronger, because if Albert Einstein is trying his level best to shoot you down, then you really better have you “i”s dotted and “t”s crossed.

2. Even Einstein could be wrong.

Yes, but I think that’s the crux of the problem: the duel between faith and reason. At least if one sees the interaction between the public and science. It’s become rather prominent in recent months.

I see science as working independently from the public as it should. There is no reason that the populace should understand since they are incapable of understanding since their prominent focus is with things regarding US magazine or misguided summaries from the internet.