
Video: How It All Ends

allegro12/13/2009 5:18:23 pm PST

re: #40 Dr. Shalit

Is certain Destruction? That is in fact the argument. Example, when I drive or ride I wear a seatbelt. The chance that I will be involved in a collision, let alone injured in one is small. If I believed destruction was certain, I wouldn’t ride, let alone drive.

I think evidence shows us that AGW will have some seriously negative environmental effects if it continues at this rate. My feeling is that whether it does or doesn’t, the damage we have been doing to ourselves and other species on the planet has been devastating in terms of pollution and general disregard. We’re doing big harm to the future of biological species, including ourselves, whether climate change is involved or not.

Add to that the political/economic aspect of being beholden to the ME for our out of control consumption of energy. I think dealing with all of the above - much of which has a common cause - to be something to address in a serious manner quickly. We’ve been farting around for decades while the problems increase exponentially.