
Overnight Open Thread

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks6/06/2010 11:44:47 pm PDT

re: #45 Irenicum

BTW, if you find yourself in an exceptional Mexican restaurant that offers soup or salad with the meal, get the albondigas.

I am not a fan of soup really, but that stuff is the bomb.

A bit more on that, taken from wikipedia:

In Spain and Latin America, meatballs are called “albndigas”, derived from the Arabic ‘al-bunduq’ (meaning ‘hazelnut,’ or, by extension, a small round object). Albndigas are thought to have originated as a Berber or Arab dish imported to Spain during the period of Muslim rule. Spanish albndigas can be served as an appetizer or main course, often in a tomato sauce, while Mexican albndigas are commonly served in a soup with a light broth and vegetables.