
Must Read: Barrett Brown's Take-Down of Wacko Blogger R.S. McCain

Fozzie Bear12/03/2010 4:44:48 pm PST

re: #22 theheat

Nah, go old school. By hand. The way the prophets wrote their code.

You laugh, but there is still a sizeable community of dedicated hand-coders out there. These aren’t people who can’t afford dreamweaver or something like that. These are purists of an odd sort.

I also know some serious computer nerds that eschew a GUI and do EVERYTHING from the CLI (console aka tty). Once again, this isn’t because they don’t have video cards or somethings, it’s just basically because they think using a mouse is for pussies. Some of them can do astounding things within a few seconds given a console window.

Then there is a third kind of purist hobbyist: People who like taking ancient computers and trying to cram modern operating systems on them. this group often overlaps with the CLI purist group. Bragging rights are earned by getting the linux kernel (or some hacked down version of it) to run on computers with the LOWEST possible stats. Getting Linux, complete with graphical desktop, up and running in 39mb of ram, makes you a God with this set.

Nerds are weird and wonderful creatures.