
Shooting Victim Who Blamed Palin, Beck, and Angle Threatens Tea Party Leader

researchok1/15/2011 3:48:00 pm PST

re: #16 SanFranciscoZionist

Hopefully this episode will be a red flag to him, or his family, and he’ll get seen.

Won’t happen.

What is obvious to you, me and most everyone else means little when it comes to mental illness.

If he had displayed symptoms of typhus, cholera, TB or any other communicable disease we would employ mechanisms already in place to quarantine the individual and keep him away from the general population.

Mental illness is different in that no matter how obviously disturbed or dysfunctional the individual is, he or she cannot be quarantined if he or she questions the diagnosis. The problem is decades old and is exacerbated by some cultural shifts (think Cho at VA Tech).

The same applies to serious behavior issues. To remove an obviously disruptive/dangerous student from a classroom can be a production if the parents aren’t cooperative, etc.

And that’s only a part of the problem.