
Video: Breitbart Laughs As He Shows Weiner Photo to Shock Jocks

FreedomMoon6/08/2011 8:49:32 pm PDT

Breitbart is poised to become the new Rush Limbaugh, only more aggressive and insidious. (And the big guy definitely has big shoes to fill). And maybe it’s just me, but it’s uncanny the physical similarities. They also both have this penchant of having the top 4 buttons or so of a dress shirt undone exposing the upper chest.

The angry-white-guy-victim force is strong with this one. In 15 years, when Rush leaves the scene, probably from a myocardial infarction from an episode with Viagra (presumably with his next underage hottie) or lung cancer, Breitbart will rise to the ranks and have the whole backward conservative movement kowtowing on their knees.