
RIP: Steve Jobs, 56

Vicious Babushka10/05/2011 5:33:27 pm PDT

re: #44 LudwigVanQuixote

And sending thugs. And stealing movies. And generally being horrible.

Ford and Eddison are two of the more repugnant industrialists in American history and both remarkable racists to boot.

However, Tesla got a unit named after him and has real physics behind him. Tesla will be remembered for his contributions as long as there is physics being done. There is no Eddison effect or Eddison’s law. There is no fundamental physics he did, and most of his inventions were done by those working for him. Eddison will be forgotten as LEDs and Curly bulbs take over.

Henry Ford got one thing right: he paid his workers enough so that they could afford to buy his product.