
Rick Perry's YouTube Ad: 42,000 Dislikes and Counting

palomino12/07/2011 5:49:38 pm PST

This whole ad seems like a desperate effort to pander on the one issue where the gop base still loves him. Even the base is no longer impressed with him intellectually, and they see his immigration policies as even more liberal than Newt’s. So he has to go back to his core strength.

This is just one more example of the type of campaigning Palin did just after getting the veep nod: based on xenophobia, it’s a dog whistle about Obama loving “real America” less than the rest of us (i.e., white Christians). Wisely McCain told her to tone down that message, which was one of their first major disagreements. It’s the lowest form of politicking…a pure appeal to fear and hatred. Even Perry has sunk to a new low.