
Birther Whacko Orly Taitz Will Not Be a Senator

lawhawk6/06/2012 10:47:57 am PDT

re: #47 Interesting Times

Or there’s a simpler explanation - as per exit polling - they simply didn’t think recall was called for over a policy difference, even if the policy changes are anti-union and anti-worker.

And just think what would happen if it had succeeded and a Democrat took over; the GOP would gin up a recall at the first chance it got (say when that Democrat moved to overturn Walker’s decisions).

Recall makes tremendous sense if the person engaged in criminal activities or other malfeasance. It has the potential to cause significant problems (and costs) if used over policy disputes.

And now that the recall is done with, this gives Walker additional money and power going into his next scheduled election - something that might not have happened if the Democrats held off on a recall. They’ve energized the GOP there by going through with the recall. Perhaps it would have been better to let him play out the term, and beat him in the next gubernatorial general election.