
The GOP Long War

Kragar4/07/2013 1:21:07 pm PDT

Rick Santorum’s plan to revitalize the GOP: Defund Planned Parenthood

In a fundraising email sent Sunday, former Pennsylvanian Sen. Rick Santorum warned that social conservatives were being pushed out of the Republican Party.

The former GOP presidential candidate said he had a three point plan to prevent the Republican Party from abandoning social conservatives and destroying itself. His plan consisted of mobilizing “pro-family conservatives,” defunding Planned Parenthood, and launching a media blitz to “refut[e] the lies and half-truths that our detractors in the GOP are spreading about us.”

“[W]e are going to push Republican congressional leaders to defund the monstrosity that is Planned Parenthood,” Santorum explained. “Too many in the GOP want to ignore the millions of innocent lives that have been extinguished by this vile organization. Defunding Planned Parenthood is a winning issue. The polls prove it.”
