

Killgore Trout2/11/2010 8:56:53 am PST

Mental illness or Glenn Beck viewer?
Police: MA Man Stockpiled Weapons, Feared ‘Armageddon’

A Massachusetts technology consultant who feared martial law was imminent and was preparing for “Armageddon,” according to police, has been charged with stockpiling weapons, and having explosive devices including tear gas and pepper ball canisters.

Gregory Girard of Manchester was arrested Tuesday night after a friend of his wife tipped off the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bureau to Girard’s alleged weapons stash, reports the Gloucester Daily Times. ATF then notified local police.

Police said Girard also had military camouflage clothing, knives, handcuffs, bulletproof vests and helmets, night vision goggles, medicine, and six months’ worth of food supplies. “We don’t think he was preparing to attack the community, he was preparing for domestic and political turmoil,” the police chief told the paper.

Possibly both.