
Video: A Glorious Rant by Rachel Maddow on Media Coverage of Benghazi and Iraq

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)6/19/2014 8:07:09 am PDT

re: #512 wheat-dogghazi

The South is like a foreign country in some ways. People there have kept alive the idea that they were once an independent nation (a debatable point) that will someday resurrect itself from the ashes of the Confederacy.

It’s been 150 years, and they still haven’t caught on that it’s never going to happen.

Keep in mind that it’s not a uniform and monolithic form or nuttiness. There are a lot of moderates who are trying to lead their lives. We have a few Lizards who are here less often partially due to stereotypical comments being made about The South in general.

And it’s sort of weird how the commentary (both pro- and anti-) seems to treat the white-centric tropes as the only tropes existing there most of the time.