
The GOP and Creationism

fish2/23/2009 10:37:56 am PST

re: #316 Thanos

Sorry your argument is flawed by the fact that a steady parade of “Conservative” creationists have been run against Sebelius and Moore, with a lot of big “L”s in the R column. I think they are going to try Brownback next, if they do I”ll vote for friggin Sebellius.

If they are running as creationists I stand corrected. If they said something in passing that was then taken out of context, amplified and repeated by their opponents then that is entirely different.

If someone is running as a creationist I will vote against them.

If someone else is telling me that person is a creationist and wants to teach my kids that the Earth is 6000 years old and made by magic, well I would look very closely at who was saying that and why.