
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

The Shadow Do8/30/2009 6:44:17 pm PDT

re: #501 iceweasel

They trouble me more as a sign of the general political climate, rather than because I believe the majority of texans want to secede.

It’s all part of a bigger picture: inflammatory rhetoric from Glnn Bk, white nationalists co-opting the tea party movements, nirthers muttering that Obama is an usurper…people carrying weapons to townhalls. And that tree of liberty quote popping up again. Ugly times.

And the eight years pre-Obama were a thing of beauty. Ok, I get it.
No goofyness there, no sir. You might want to expand your “bigger picture”. Put the politics aside. There is plenty of stupid all around. It is just a bit more evident to you now.