
Friday Night Video: Portal: No Escape

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/27/2011 7:21:17 am PDT

re: #507 lostlakehiker

Depends on how often it happens. If it’s once in a century, that’s regrettable but I’d rather take my chances on getting executed for a crime I didn’t commit, than murdered for a payroll I didn’t carry.

Nice false dichotomy to start off with. There’s no reason to think that if we don’t execute people, the likelihood of being murdered is higher.

Those contemplating atrocious murders, just because it seems like a good tactic, calculate their odds. For these, the ones who would be eligible for the death penalty anyhow, it’s surely a deterrent. That, too, contributes to public safety.

Nice. Don’t bother to make an argument. Just make an assertion, claim it ‘surely’ must be true, and be done with it.

After all, it’s not like people who murder people live any sort of life where being murdered themselves is a likely risk.

Sheesh. It’s like a ‘poor logic’ competition.