
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

Salamantis4/30/2009 7:10:50 am PDT

re: #520 Bill Dalasio

With all due respect to Sen. Snowe, it seems to me that she is doing a bit of whistling past the graveyard. Mr. Specter did not leave the Republican Party out of some principled stand in opposition to its excesses of social conservatism. He left because it was becomming increasingly clear that he was going to get his keister kicked in the 2010 primaries. And the final straw in that regard was his vote, not on social issues, but on the non-stimulus stimulus bill - precisely one of the core issues Sen. Snowe cites from Pres. Reagan. Lest we forget, Sen. Snowe was one of the other three Republicans to abandon fiscal conservatism in that instance.

Isn’t it interesting that Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, the two female Republican senators from Maine who voted for the Porkulus ,have been reamed here, but not the male Republican senator from New Hampshire, Judd Gregg, who also voted for it?