
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/18/2009 12:14:52 pm PST

re: #474 Bagua

You just argue the same tripe over and over again like a parrot.

Who cares what some “journalists who tried it” thought? The very fact they were able to sip their cappuccinos and write their subversive nonsense proves they were not harmed. So they gasped, oh dear, the horror, the humanity.

The Japanese were soldiers under completely different rules from the terrorist scum.

Compare the American military to the Nazis and Kmer Rough? That is contemptible and dishonest.

But hey, have fun with your anti-American terrorist sympathizing ignorance and demonisation of Bush and American Patriots protecting your life and right to keep repeating falsehoods and propaganda.

Breathe buddy… I am not trying to let the terrorists off. I am angered that fools like you gave them ammunition.

As to the fact that waterboarding is torture… well that is not tripe. However pissed you get at that fact, at that repeatedly, demonstrated fact, at the fact that every military in the world considers this to be torture and that our own military tried our own marines for doing it in the Phillipines to Phillapinos, well your bluster or refusal to look at those facts changes nothing.

As to terrorist scum - yes they are.

However, we part ways because well I don’t believe that only some men are created equal or that only some men have inalienable rights.

Take your firebreathing and your hysteria to a nation that likes that kind of thinking, like where the jihadis themselves are from. We are the good guys. If we are to be the good guys, we do it by playing up to our own standards and having faith in our own republic.