
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

austin_blue6/14/2010 8:42:29 pm PDT

re: #459

BP claims they are looking at all “methods” and “suggestions”.

I think BP is full of crap.
I don’t think we’ve got the full story.

I have to wonder why they didn’t go ahead and put another BOP on top of the one out there, as I heard was being considered, instead of doing a procedure requiring a ship to be there, which will have to get out of the way if there’s a storm (leaving ALL the oil to spew again into the water).

I think that BP has known from about Day 7 that the only way they were going to kill this blowout was with the relief wells and that everything they have been doing is eyewash. They claim they collected 15,000 bbls yesterday, but the downhole pictures show a huge plume escaping from the “Top Hat”. It may be catching one third of the flow, or less.

Believe me, Reine, if they could put another BOP with a blind ram on top of the existing stack, they would have by now. There are obviously significant reasons why BP believes it would be ineffective.