
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2011 2:49:58 pm PST

re: #497 Walter L. Newton

As I wrote above, and this is not to appease you but rather to prevent you recasting something you were not involved in - and how dare you lecture me on my own People’s history, you do not know anything - the revolt was not because of a messianic fervor that spread through the people of Judah while the Romans were offering good jobs and fine meals as the post implied.

In fact, let’s look at the offensive passage one more time:

If the history of Judaism includes such contempt for the prospects of “a chance at a good job, food on the table, nice home and the ability to live their life”, then one can only conclude that any people can fall under the sway of messianic promises of victory in the here and now, never mind the odds.

The revolt was the result of decades of Roman strangulation of the economy, Roman desecration of the Jewish way of life, the institution of chattel slavery, corrupt Roman courts and the general brutality of the Roman occupation.

To cast it all as a vague and irrational fit of religious extremism is utterly offensive.

For you to dare to take the stand you are is utterly offensive.

Walter, you are permanently on the shit list. You are useless and pathetic swine. Any other magical balance faries out there want to chime in that is fine, but you are not going to cast the terrible struggle that lost the Homeland for 2000 years as some cheap debate point on a web thread and you certainly don’t get to try to sound superior when you do it.