
Memorial Day Open Thread

Dr Lizardo5/26/2014 5:08:58 pm PDT

re: #509 Rightwingconspirator

Right and some of them seem to revel in looking down at our violent culture. Yeah right we got our gun nutz. Fair point.

Still I don’t want any part of a soccer game that lets the hooligans in or want to be on the same street as a BNP riot. Holy crap!

One of my students was chiding me once for America’s violent culture; I shot back, “Yeah…but then again, I seem to recall that Europe was pretty much the epicenter of every bad fucking idea of the 20th Century, most notably, an Italian chap and an Austrian fellow who got some funny ideas into their heads, and then us Americans had to come alllll the way over here to kick some ass and make sure you oh-so-cultured Europeans don’t get genocidal notions running through your minds in the future. And if that shit starts up again, America will come back for round three of ass-kicking, and when we’re done, maybe this time, we won‘t go home. You rascals get up to all kinds of wackiness when we’re not paying attention.”

I’d had a few beers and was getting a little tired of hearing the US being denigrated. I guess I was feeling a little jingoistic that evening.