
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

Lidane5/28/2015 9:54:05 am PDT


Appearing on the “Point of View” radio program yesterday, Zmirak said that Christian consumers need to start threatening companies like Apple and Walmart with boycotts since these companies opposed “right to discriminate” laws in Indiana and Arkansas.

“We need to threaten them back,” he said. “I can’t believe any Christian in America will ever buy an Apple product again after the CEO of Apple threatened Indiana over religious freedom. I can’t believe any Christian will go to Walmart after Walmart threatened Arkansas over religious freedom. You know what? You want to take my religious freedom away, I won’t buy from your business. I will make the sacrifice and buy something else or I will do without, but I am not going to patronize the enemies of my religion. If we keep buying these products from companies that want to persecute us, we pretty much deserve it.”