
Another Bombshell From the Post: Kushner Discussed Setting Up Secret Communications Between Trump and the Kremlin

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈5/26/2017 8:31:35 pm PDT

re: #514 Anymouse

Who would regulate that? The Rs are busy trying to turn the country into a small l libertarian hellhole.

The brain did not evolve with operating a fork in mind either, but we manage not to stab ourselves in the backs of our throats *usually).

Still wondering when Mapquest or Google Maps will put the roads around here on their maps.

I recall an incident in Australia with someone using GPS and winding up in the desert. (looking, can’t find the specific article) There is this

Eight Drivers Who Blindly Followed GPS into Disaster (goes to The Week)

The companies that don’t want to get sued and the NTSB will regulate that.

The GPS story is about how the human brain is not well-suited to driving.

Humans are horrible drivers. The sooner we’re replaced as drivers with software neural-nets, the better. The roads will be much safer than they are now with idiots riding on each other’s bumpers and weaving between lanes to save 2-minutes on their drive home.