
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Walter L. Newton1/25/2009 11:59:59 am PST

re: #514 yma o hyd

Good question!
Both - because why would he tell the one robber on the cross that he’d be with Him in paradise that same day?

But it is an interesting point, on which one can speculate for all its worth. Fact is - we don’t know. question then is; does not knowing this matter?

Nothing in the Greek scriptures say he was in heaven after his death and before his resurrection.

Second point, he told the thief “I tell you today you will be with me in Paradise.” it would be hard to tell the thief TOMORROW, since he would be dead.

And is paradise the same as heaven? The word in greek is the greek word that is used in place of the hebrew word paradise, ei: Eden. So, unless we start reading a lot into this, we can’t claim that Christ was talking about Heaven.

And, above, you make it know that the concept of “heaven” is more suited to post-Constanine, it’s getting complicated, isn’t it.