
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout5/02/2009 7:48:54 am PDT

This story is finally making the press.

‘Racist’ made mosque bomb threat

He telephoned and emailed Strathclyde Police to make the threats from a flat in Glasgow, between 30 January and 15 February 2007.

The court heard that the email read: “I’m a proud racist and National Front member.

“We as an organisation have decided to deal with the current threat from Muslims in our own British way, like our proud ancestors.

“Our demands are very small. Close all mosques in Scotland.

“If our demands aren’t met by next Friday, we’ll kidnap one Muslim and execute him or her on the internet, just like they did to our Ken Bigley.”

MacGregor then followed up the email with a call threatening to blow up Central Mosque.