
Video: Glenn Beck Calls Obama a 'Racist'

shortshrift7/28/2009 12:37:16 pm PDT

re: #282 Gus 802

What if we substitute that with the word redneck.

Now compare Jeff Foxworthy using the word redneck against Janeane Garofalo using the word redneck.

No. Foxworthy (I had to look him up ) makes jokes about ignorant whites in the same way that black comedians make jokes about ignorant blacks (and even call them “niggahs”). If Foxworthy performed from the script of the black comedian that would racist. If the black comedian performed from Foxworthy’s script, that would not be racist, because rednecks are an acceptable butt (and I doubt that anyone self-identifies as a redneck - except satirically - and there are no civil rights activists campaigning against redneckophobia that I am aware of, though one might argue that the BNP is doing something along those lines!). Compare to Corkmen jokes by the Irish.
Garofalo uses the word redneck to express her contempt for ignorant white racists and religious fundamentalists and Republicans and conservatives whom she thinks are all ignorant racists. This usage is intentionally insulting , but not a racist.
Were Garofalo to use the term “oreo” about, say, Thomas Sowell, she would be saying that Thomas Sowell has sold out to white (conservative) culture and thereby identify herself as pro-black culture liberal of the Professor Gates school of thought. Thomas Sowell himself would not be offended. If she uses the term about say, Professor Gates, whose career has been based on asserting the superiority of black culture over white culture, that would be deeply offensive to the Professor - though some black students of the Professor’s, taking his teachings seriously, might say that his becoming a Harvard professor is a sell-out.
Given that the term “oreo” is about false appearances, the only way I can see “oreo” as being more derogatory when used by a white person as an insult is where the black outside is posited as worse than the white inside. It is very hard to set up a theoretical situation where “oreo” would be recognised as such an insult. Perhaps if Foxworthy had one of his rednecks say it to another redneck…!