
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Gus11/27/2009 11:27:58 pm PST

re: #519 Floral Giraffe

Quote: “There must by a reason why we keep them around.”
The only one I can think of, is we can’t figure out how to get RID of them.

It would be either too easy or too hard. The reality is that they’ve become an integral part of the American power elite whether we like it or not. No, I’m not talking about a conspiracy theory here. It’s just like when you go to a corporate party and you meet all types of people it makes your head spin.

Republicans and Democrats alike. It’s where many sons and daughters go. The UN is almost like Boy Scout Camp for the Princeton elite. It’s defective in many if not most respects but what’s the alternative? Kicking them out and then what? I don’t know but even though I find them displeasurable I find the whole anti-UN thing rather Paulian.

Then I ask why stop there? There are a whole lot of other multi-national groups that we belong to that are just as defective. Are we going to take the road to isolationism and replace it with what?