
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

austin_blue2/10/2010 9:49:48 pm PST

re: #462 Dark_Falcon

He meant AQ for Al Qaeda, which had already established its self in Iraq before Adu Ghraib happened. That baleful event caused a lot of anger towards us in Iraq, but it did not cause the enemy to escalate their tactics in any meaningful way.

Well, DF, this time I am going to hammer you. Sorry. Al Queda was at the opposite end of anything that Saddam Hussein could tolerate. His secular vision of Sunni Islam was based on the great kings of the past. His was a secular culture that attempted to embrace the the East and the West. Was he a whack tyrant? Yes. But Baghdad was the most secular city in the Middle Eastern Arab world prior to 2003.

If we had just left the fucker alone, we would be out of Afghanistan (alright, maybe) and not have spent a trillion dollars overthrowing what was a relatively stable, though undesirable, regime. Lord knows, there are enough of those regimes around that we don’t pull the “America! Fuck Yeah!”m attack on who deserve it.
re: #477 Bagua

That would depend on whether they were POWs or terrorists.