
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

goddamnedfrank7/13/2012 10:07:06 pm PDT

re: #486 BryanS

A sole owner isn’t the same thing as a person responsible for hiring/firing and making management decisions.

That’s exactly what a sole owner is. They always have the prerogative to fire anybody they want. Sometimes it means buying out that person’s contract, but the power is inherent in sole ownership.

A well run company would have a board, even if it is privately held.

And Mitt held the positions of CEO and Chairman of the Board well past the point he supposedly left Bain.

Romney would have vested all decision making power in this board.

Yet that’s clearly not what happened. He retained multiple board seats, plus the position of President and Managing Partner. In addition, it’s his signature on the SEC documents.

At the same time, during those few years of transition, the company was being prepared to be taken public.

No, you just flat out wrong again. Bain Capital is a Private LLC, it never went public as a tradable corporation. Are you just making shit up now and doing research confirmation via magic 8 ball?

That board would have been the management team investors were buying into. And apparently, the prospectus given to investors were told specifically of Romney’s lack of involvement in managing the company.

Okay, were done. You clearly demonstrated that you have no earthly clue what you’re talking about.