
Glenn Beck, Ron Paul, and the Truthers

iceweasel9/05/2009 1:52:07 pm PDT

re: #478 Gus 802

Damn, what pathological monster wrote that?

A typical Ace o’Spuds reader or commenter. That place is a disgusting pit filled with nothing but the dregs. Homophobia, misogyny and ‘jokes’ about homicidal violence are standard there.

Here’s an example of a plea Ace made to his readers recently:

Please, a Favor

I know I dropped the “c bomb” last week, but that was something I don’t do very often, and on top of that, I had no advertisers then.

I’m trying to get some advertisers — with the lone exception of a Killing Time ad from blog-friend Pegu, I haven’t made a dime this whole month — and so I’d appreciate if people calmed down a bit with the language.

Yes, I know I did it. I am not assigning moral fault or anything. It was my bad.

But I would appreciate it if commenters cooled it on unnecessarily obscene language and statements that might, as they say, scare the horses.


A lot of obscenity… like f-bombs and “bullshit” is barely even obscene anymore, so ubitquitous(sic) is it on the internet. The ones to watch out for are the male and female versions of the c-bomb, tossing out “bitch” unnecessarily, angry gay baiting, talk of shooting and hanging people even in jest, etc. Some political correctness there, yeah, but consider that Netflix, for example, may not want an ad running next to a post with a lot of such sentiments.

I’m not saying write like angels. I’m just asking to tone it down a little, especially when it’s just for the sake of angry venting.

Right. And shortly thereafter, when the poor baby STILL couldn’t get any suckers advertisers, this is what he had to say by way of ‘angry venting’ about Contessa Brewer:


As I have noted with footnotes and authoritative citations previously, Contessa Brewer is a dirty, lying, pus-mouthed whore.

A cheap, sore-riddled nasty bit of gutterscrunge who’ll rent you her mouth for the change in your pocket.

A tawdry wallow-trollop oozing with syphilitic fester who raises her filthy skirts at the scent of crack-smoke.

A disease-dripping pincushion, the media’s vile mattress of last resort, a pathogen in garish vinyl high heels, a loose-toothed croup-breathed nightcrawler reeking of bathtub gin, fungicide, and the genetic stink of human desperation.

A skanky bit of mung-trash sloughing off diseased skin like a leprous snake. (A leprous snake who whores out her verminous cloaca for two bits a pop, I mean.)

This sad clown of a whore, oozing with foul custard and slack and sloppy as an over-used trash bag, is too stupid to know how to lie judiciously, and so lies promiscuously and wantonly, demonstrating all the discretion she once showed in junior high when her nickname was “Automatic” Brewer.

And that’s why Ace is a fucktard who can’t get advertisers, or readers, and why the disgusting people who read him send such disgusting hatemail.

Ace is whoring for traffic from LGF. He shouldn’t get it.

(charles my apologies for reproducing the bad language; please delete if necessary. I wanted to expose Ace for the disgusting bastard he is.)