
Cincinnati Tea Party Organizer: A Truther

find your violent jihadi on ebay!9/05/2009 6:46:02 pm PDT

I’m lost. Van Jones is a highly-placed official in the United States government. That is the reason for the outrage over his possible trooferism. It is not acceptable to have a top official in the Executive Branch who believes in trooferism. The fact that he signed that petition makes questions on this matter very relevant and justified. We should expect and demand a minimum level of sanity, common sense, and love of country from high officials in the government. Separately, that guy at the tea party, a Ron Paulian or whatever - people in private life are allowed to believe whatever they want and to be conspiracy nuts or morons or even to sign troofer petitions if they so choose. This is apples and oranges, in the extreme.