
Wikileaks' Russian Representative: A Holocaust Denier

Mich-again12/14/2010 9:28:48 pm PST

No place on Earth has been the butt of more jokes than Detroit. Maybe Cleveland, but then to outsiders theres not much difference is there. Cry me a river San Fransicso. Geesh.

We went to San Fran last Summer on a family vacation. Nice place. You can’t help but see that the local economy is heavily supported by tourism. And those tourists are there to see the city and the surrounding area, not many tourists give a crap that the local politicians are wastimg time debating whether pet stores violate animal rights and should be banned or whether military recruiters should be banned. They just spend cash and pump up the local economy being tourists.

If San Fran wasn’t such a draw where the biggest challenge was how to divvy up all the cash rolling in, then the politicians there might actually be forced into being adults. My impression from the visit is that the leaders there are like roosters who think the sun rises because they crow. They could all quit and all new people could take over and the tourists wouldn’t care one bit and they would still flock there to spend their cash and feed the tax rolls. As it is , its a fantasy world for libs gone wild.