
Horrible Video of SC Cop Shooting a Black Man in The Back

Scottish Dragon4/07/2015 8:14:45 pm PDT

re: #488 Kragar

Back when I was in the infantry, our Company Commander had us write up an essay on a weapon which changed the way we fought wars.

Lots of guys picked gunpowders and airplanes. I was the only one to pick the man portable radio. Won me a free 96.

I would go with horseback cavalry. Completely changed warfare.

If you didn’t have them, you really wished you did.

By the time you get to the Spaniards infamous rout of an overwhelmingly superior Native American force (168 guys with awkward black powder weapons and cavalry vs 8,000 of native American infantry with another 80,000 nearby at Cajamarca) the armored man on horseback with a lance was a weapon system with over 3,000 years of development, and it was shockingly destructive.