
Overnight Bird

albusteve11/18/2009 8:55:25 am PST

re: #513 Killgore Trout

There are a lot of substitute woods that can be used for some applications but the tropical hardwoods are tough to replace. Some synthetics have been tried but they haven’t figured it out yet.

my sister worked for Gibson…my best friends older brother built them…he told about minor flaws, pulling all the hardware off, and bandsawing the guitar into chunks and burned…over the years he collected necks and soundboards, and all kinds of pieces parts that ultimately were worth a ton of money…my older sis has several phone conversations with Phil Everly and others…and always met the stars that came to town to look at their guitars being made or whatever…Kalamazoo was all about Gibson back in the day…the old original little factory right off the downtown…the lobby and office areas were stuffed with priceless mandolins and guitars, like a museum