
'You Only Live Twice' - the Nancy Sinatra Remix

piratedan9/10/2013 10:56:57 am PDT

gotta admire the brass balls on GG, threatening to expose sources and agents simply because he can. I can remember when this was all about abuses by the NSA being perpetrated against Americans, now that has devolved to GG playing “Will I /Won’t I” with people’s lives who work for our government surreptitiously. So much for carefully vetted information that won’t harm the country or the people that work for it…..

If he does it (not saying he will, but if he’s feeling “neglected”, who can say with this narcissist), and people die because of it, people that are supposedly working on behalf of our nation and his exposure of those folks causes them to die, I wouldn’t shed a tear at his incarceration.