
Palin's Attorney Threatening Lawsuits

ShanghaiEd7/06/2009 2:26:40 pm PDT

re: #460 SixDegrees

Actually, the blog article was published before the FBI issued their denial of any investigation.

This dog ain’t gonna hunt. Proving malice aforethought - a requirement in successful libel prosecution - would be all but impossible, even if this involved an ordinary citizen. Palin’s status as a public figure raises the bar of proof required even higher.

The FBI statement says all that needs to be said in rebuttal to such articles. It would have been smarter for Palin to keep her mouth shut and let the statement address whatever issue there was. Instead, she has moved the allegations onto the front page and handed her enemies even more powerful ammunition they can use against her in the immediate future.

This may be a dumb question, but…the only rumor I’ve read said that Palin was under, or about to be under, federal investigation.

The latest statement in response is that the FBI is not investigating her.

IANAL, but aren’t there a whole ton of other federal agencies that investigate people, not just the FBI? Could this point have been missed in the uproar?