
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

Mikey_Dallas10/02/2009 1:43:48 pm PDT

re: #521 Ray in TX

ok, wait a minute.

You don’t understand. I was a Bush supporter in 2000. I laughed at Gore losing!

But facts are still facts, even if you or were unaware of them at the time. The reality is that the election officials in Florida ordered ChoicePoint, a private firm they hired to develop their voter exclusion list, to RELAX their criteria for matching the voter lists against known felon lists. This included allowing the reversing of first and last names along with other techniques that they were warned would create a lot of false positives. Honestly, these facts are no longer in dispute. This led to thousands of blacks being removed from the voter rolls in Florida… a constituency that votes 90% Democratic in a state that Bush won by just a few hundred votes.

Exactly what part of that isn’t true?

The part where you have just made a statement as if it were fact, and only have partisan BS to back it up so far. Honestly, every time the ballots were counted - all three times - Bush won Florida.