
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

jamesfirecat11/05/2011 11:55:11 am PDT

Continuing from my last post

But my CBPP colleague Brian Highsmith could. So here you have it: the change in tax liabilities, compared to current tax policy, under 9-9-9, for different income groups, in one incredibly unsettling graph.”

You can argue that tax cuts do more to stimulate the economy than government spending and I’ll think you’re wrong… but when you line up behind a highly regressive tax plan like this one… what do you like about it Buck? Complicated economic problems tend not to have simple solutions and in this case I fail to see what is attractive about a plan that will put a heavier burden on those who have little and a greater burden on tho have a great deal already…..

What do you honestly like about the plan?