
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

mfarmer14/08/2009 11:23:44 am PDT

I’ve got a really good business associate who is completely into the end-times stuff, loves Beck, and I just found out is a “young Earther” and all of that. (the first one I’ve known actually as far as I know).

He is well educated, a great guy, I’d trust him with anything. And yet, he totally sucks up all of this conspiracy stuff and thinks the world is only 6000 years old. I just avoid those subjects with him.

It’s bad enough when we have to deal with the angry ultra left, and now we find ourselves on the right fighting with each other.

Folks, there’s nothing wrong for example with enjoying the Glenn Beck program on Fox and Bill Maher’s show on HBO at the same time. I like them both. Sure, I think Beck goes too far with the kooky shit sometimes and most of the guests on Maher’s show make me cringe. So what?

I think the problem here is that people who participate on blogs, follow the news daily, etc., like all of us here, are far more likely also to enjoy a good healthy debate as well and if we admit it, enjoy getting our feathers ruffled a bit.

My hunch is that for the most part, participants here at LGF could sit down even with Markos Moulitsas and his crew and have a few cold ones over some spirited (literally) debate without killing one another.

Can’t we all just get along?