
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

karmic_inquisitor11/07/2009 9:51:33 pm PST

re: #486 mikhailtheplumber

You’re treating the healthcare system as if it were a perfect competition scenario a-la-Adam Smith.
It is not.
Wait until the new system is in place. If prices hike, or coverage becomes awful, I will humbly apologize and admit the wisdom of an overly expensive system which leaves millions without coverage.

I was hoping for a reasoned and thought out plan instead.

Amazing. After you demand people post links on assertions.

I guess a promise of an apology if the country is bankrupted will have to suffice as a well supported argument.

As for the moral overtone of “the wisdom of an overly expensive system which leaves millions without coverage” - since when is it the obligation of a society to insure all of its members against life’s perils? I was unaware that I was born morally obliged to provide others insurance.

As for access to treatments, I live in San Diego County and you can search our newspapers all you like but you won’t find a single story of the indigent being refused care.

At issue here is not that people are refused care - they aren’t. What they demand is the same treatment options as those who have bought expensive insurance policies.

So no - costs won’t go down. they will go up because everyone will essentially have a right to the most expensive treatment options and if they don’t get it they will be on the phone with their congressional representative. That is where this path leads.

But I guess the moralists will insist that is the just and righteous path.