
Assange Arrest Imminent

Fozzie Bear12/03/2010 9:10:42 am PST

re: #521

I was responding to a post by Gus:

re: #244 Gus 802

Do you have a link to the information about the exact number (5,000 vs. 400,000)? Seriously, I’m interested in knowing what the number is. I don’t know how they come up with these numbers, anyhow -

You’re the second person to pick ME out of that 3-comment exchange where my comment was the last one to be made, in order to set me straight about a comment I responded to, did not make.

Is there something in the water?

I’m just responding to a false claim as I come across it.

In 2003, Tony Blair made a speech (actually a series of speeches) in which he said “We’ve already discovered, just so far, the remains of 400,000 people in mass graves.’ This is a complete fabrication. As for 2004, a year later, 5,000 bodies had been found in mass graves in Iraq. The number is probably higher now, a few years later. Now, that’s still very bad, but I find it interesting that so many people still refer to thoroughly discredited accounts, and the accounts of people who have lied to the public repeatedly regarding Iraq, including Blair, for statistics on this issue.

There’s nothing in the water other than an aversion to manufactured statistics, quoted from sources that have already been repeatedly shamed publicly for their blatant dissembling and dishonesty. Namely: Blair.