
Trump's Post-Election Scam Revealed: "Trump TV"

KGxvi6/16/2016 2:55:43 pm PDT

re: #518 MsJ

Here’s the thing with gerrymandering…if your side goes completely off the rails, as it looks like trump may do to the GOP, what good is gerrymandering. You still need voters…even in the deepest red pockets, there are a lot of sane republicans whom I do not think will vote Trump. So if you have, say 30% total GOP population, if every one of those vote trump, that may not be enough to get trump - OR any downstream tickets.

You have to have something worth voting for otherwise you lose it all.

And what side and what numbers that is for this election cycle…I have no idea. But I do not think it is good for them.

I agree that Trump is such a terrible nominee that he’s likely to hurt their gerrymandering. If they’d have nominated a traditional candidate this year (Rubio, Cruz, Kaisch, Bush) they would have held the House and more likely than not the Senate, regardless of what happened at the presidential level. That’s the value of gerrymandering, it gives you a built in edge, but there are always potential nominees that are so bad that they lose that edge.