
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

Salamantis4/30/2009 8:25:15 am PDT

re: #527 Land Shark

Yes, you’re correct, she is saying that. And it would be nice if she practiced what she’s preaching.

But she’s also saying it was the emphasis on social issues that played a major role in the GOP’s problems. But the GOP has always emphasized socially conservative stands. Even when they were riding high controlling the White House and Congress. It was the shift away from fiscal restraint and smaller government that did it. Reagan never soft pedaled his socially conservative stands, but since he remained a strong fiscal conservative, he still attracted Independents and Moderates to vote for him, it was what built up the now defunct “Reagan Democrat” wing of the Conservative movement.

What this entails is that the GOP’s best shot at returning from the electoral wildreness is not to continue to draw sharp social agenda distinctions, but instead to return to drawing the sharp fiscal discipline distinctions they previously drew - and practice them as well as preach them.